
The Tattooist of Auschwitz Summary Next Prologue It is April, 1942, and 25-year-old Lale is riding through Europe in a train, cramped in a cattle car with other Jewish men. Nobody knows where they’re going. Lale’s family is from Krompachy, Slovakia, and when he heard that the Nazis were forcing Jewish families to give the government a child older than 18, he offered himself up. The Germans claimed they would put him to work, but when he reported for duty, he didn’t know what he’d be doing, which is why he’s now dressed in a suit, wanting to look good regardless of what his job will be. But after days on the train without food, he can tell his new job won’t require a suit. When the train arrives at its destination, SS officers force the passengers out and yell orders. Lale follows instructions as Nazis use the butts of their rifles to hit anyone who doesn’t obey them. He’s then led with the others into a building, where they line up and wait for identification numbers to be tattooed on their arms. During this process, he learns that he has arrived at Auschwitz, where he’ll be put to work. Upon receiving their tattoos, the prisoners are told to strip naked and enter a large shower. Afterwards, they find that their clothes have been replaced by striped prisoner garb, which Lale puts on before the Nazis shave his head. He’s then escorted to a nearby location called Birkenau, which is several miles from Auschwitz’s main area. He is assigned to Block 7, a building full of bunks, each of which is occupied by two to four prisoners. Lale and a man he met on the train named Aron share a bunk with two others and spend the night waiting for morning, when they’ll finally receive food. In the middle of the night, Lale goes outside to pee, relieved to see there’s a ditch for prisoners to relieve themselves. As he approaches, he notices three prisoners sitting over this ditch and quietly conversing, but before he gets too close, he sees two SS officers coming near. Without warning, they shoot the three prisoners before casually moving on. Devastated, Lale vows to himself that he’ll survive Auschwitz no matter what. Get the entire The Tattooist of Auschwitz LitChart as a printable PDF. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." -Graham S. The Tattooist of Auschwitz PDF The following morning, the prisoners receive cups of weak soup. As they force it down, Lale jokes about the taste with Aron, cementing their friendship. They then meet their kapo, who explains that he’s their boss. The kapo assigns Lale to work on the roof of a half-built building, so he climbs a ladder and finds two Russians. Thankfully, Lale speaks multiple languages, so he’s able to communicate with these men, who tell him the best way to go about his new job. They also tell him important information about life in Auschwitz, explaining the power structures at play in the camp. After witnessing another terrible murder one day, Lale faints, and it later turns out he has contracted typhus. When he wakes, he discovers he’s been unconscious for days. An old man who introduces himself as Pepan attends to him and helps him outside to get fresh air. Pepan is the Tätowierer, the prisoner who tattoos the new arrivals. He explains that a group of prisoners in Block 7 have been caring for Lale at night, and Pepan himself has been looking after him during the day. Pepan was walking by Block 7 when Lale’s body was placed on “a cart for the dead and dying,” and he watched as Aron begged the officer pulling the cart to leave Lale. The officer refused, but Aron dragged Lale off the cart when the officer wasn’t looking—an act that intrigued Pepan. This, he says, is why he himself decided to help Lale, thinking he must be a wonderful person if somebody was willing to risk saving him. He then offers Lale a job as his assistant, saying he could help him tattoo the prisoners. Lale hesitates at first, disliking the idea of scarring unwilling people, but Pepan says that somebody else will do it if he doesn’t. Moreover, whoever takes the job probably won’t be as empathetic as Lale. Thinking this over, Lale agrees to work as Pepan’s assistant. When Lale returns to Block 7, he learns from his bunkmates that Aron was killed by the kapo for trying to protect him. Mortified, he listens as they tell him that they decided to continue helping him because Aron inspired them with his idea that “to save one is to save the world.” Weeping, Lale thanks them and hopes he can someday repay them, though he knows he most likely will never be able to. Lale works with Pepan, meeting the SS officers who oversee their work. One day, he and Pepan are instructed to re-ink the tattoos of a group of female prisoners whose numbers have faded. Lale tells Pepan he can’t do this, since he has always respected women, but Pepan insists he has no choice. Accordingly, Lale goes about his job. While working on one of the prisoner’s tattoos, he notices that a man wearing a white coat is walking down the line and inspecting the women. The man soon reaches the woman Lale is tattooing and holds her face. Sensing that the woman is about to say something, Lale squeezes her arm and indicates that she should remain quiet. She heeds his advice, and after a moment, the man in white moves on. “Well done,” Lale whispers, committing her number to memory, looking into her eyes, and feeling his heart skip. Not long after this encounter, Pepan disappears. Oberscharführer Houstek—Lale’s boss, and one of the highest ranking officers at Auschwitz—announces that Lale is now the Tätowierer. Unable to discern what has happened to his mentor, Lale accepts this as best he can and asks for an assistant to help him. Consequently, Baretski, the officer assigned to supervise Lale, grabs a man named Leon and forces him to be the assistant tattooist. That night, Lale learns that he now has his own room in a different block and will receive extra rations of food, so he starts smuggling out his extra portions and bringing them to his fellow prisoners. He also approaches a group of workers dressed in civilian clothes and strikes up a conversation with two of them, who explain that they’re not prisoners, but local workers who go home each night. The men are named Victor and Yuri, and they give Lale some sausage, which he cuts up and shares with a number of other prisoners. Victor and Yuri also agree to bring Lale other goods, but Lale tells them not to give him anything more until he finds a way to pay them. During this time, Lale tries to connect with the woman who made his heart skip. Remembering her number, he asks Baretski—with whom he has become somewhat friendly—to give her a note. Baretski never misses an opportunity to remind Lale that he can kill him whenever he wants, but he agrees to deliver the note. The woman then writes back, saying that her name is Gita. Passing notes like this, they arrange to meet on Sundays when the prisoners are allowed to mill about the grounds, and though Gita is shy during their first encounter, it’s clear they both have feelings for one another. It is also during this period that Lale makes an arrangement with two women whose job it is to go through the prisoners’ former possessions looking for valuables. Lale gives these women pieces of sausage from Victor and Yuri, and they agree to bring him jewels and money. So begins his system of bartering, as he gives Victor and Yuri precious stones and money in exchange for chocolate, sausage, and other food items, which he spreads throughout the camp, making sure to give plenty to Gita and her friends. At one point, Gita becomes life-threateningly ill with typhus. Distraught, Lale pays Victor and Yuri to obtain medicine, which he gives to Gita’s friends Dana and Ivana, who administer it to her. As he waits to see if Gita will recover, Lale realizes just how much he cares about her, despite the fact that he hardly knows her—after all, she won’t even tell him her last name, not wanting to share this information until they leave Auschwitz. To that end, Lale insists to her when she recovers that they will one day start a family and live free, kissing and making love whenever they want. And though Gita is hesitant to adopt his optimism, she comes around to this worldview. At work one day, Lale tattoos an enormous man named Jakub, who whispers that he’s extremely hungry. With such a large frame, Jakub needs more food than the average person, so Lale tells him to hide nearby instead of following everyone to his block. At the end of the day, Lale takes Jakub back to his private room, gives him food, and walks him to where he’s supposed to be, knowing he has possibly saved this man’s life, since Jakub could have starved if he’d been forced to wait until the next day to eat. By this point, Lale and Gita have cemented their relationship. They’re even able to start having sex because Lale bribes Gita’s kapo into letting them spend alone time in her block—an experience that makes Lale feel stronger and more determined to survive. However, it’s during this period that he enters his room to discover that two Nazis have found his stash of jewels and money, which he keeps under his mattress. The officers take him to one of the camp’s punishment blocks, where prisoners are tortured and often executed. Thrown into a cell, he waits until the door opens again, at which point he’s surprised to see Jakub. Jakub enters and explains that, because of his size, the Nazis made him the camp’s torturer. It’s his job, he says, to get Lale to confess the names of the prisoners who helped him smuggle in contraband. However, Jakub tells him, when the Nazis enter and watch the beating, Lale shouldn’t give up the names. Jakub will try to go easy on him, but he says he’s prepared to “kill one Jew to save ten others.” When the time comes, he beats and whips Lale but makes the punishment look worse than it actually is, eventually turning to the observing officers and saying he’s certain Lale must not know the names of the people who helped him. To Lale’s great surprise, this leads to his release, and he’s returned to his previous posting as the tattooist. When rumors circulate that the Russian army advancing, the SS officers start acting nervous, quickly destroying the camp’s documents. In the commotion, Gita and many other female prisoners are rushed through the gates during a snowstorm. Just before she’s swept away, she yells to Lale that her last name is Furman. Shortly thereafter, Lale is put on a bus as Nazis shoot prisoners at random and the camp descends into mayhem. He’s then taken to a new concentration camp in Mauthausen, Austria, where he wins over a guard by impressing him with his fluent German. This guard offers to transfer him to a safer camp in Vienna, and Lale accepts. Meanwhile, Gita manages to escape with three Polish women by running across a snowy field in a moment of confusion. Seeking help from people living in a nearby cottage, they successfully avoid Nazi scrutiny and get help from Russian soldiers, who drive them to Krakow, where they stay with one of the Polish women’s sister. From there, Gita travels with a truck driver to Bratislava because she—like Lale—is from Slovakia. At the concentration camp in Vienna, Lale hides that he’s Jewish because the camp is intended for non-Jewish prisoners. Since the director of this camp is very old, Lale finds it easy to stay out of trouble. In fact, he’s able to escape through a hole in one of the fences, slipping out without looking back. Dashing into the woods, he comes upon a group of Russian soldiers, who take him as a prisoner. Because he can speak so many languages, they bring him to the chalet they’ve turned into their headquarters and tell him that he will work as a liaison between the soldiers and the women in town, informing him that he’ll be given food, shelter, and fine clothes in exchange for bribing the local women into coming to the chalet for parties. In this capacity, Lale offers women jewels and money to spend the night with the soldiers. Because he’s so charming, he’s quite good at this job, and the Russians soon trust him enough to let him drive into town on his own. Seizing this opportunity to escape, he makes his way into town, parks the car, steals a bike, and sets off. After a grueling journey, he finally reaches his home to discover that his sister is still alive, though his older brother has died and nobody knows what has become of his parents. Determined to find Gita, he goes to Bratislava after hearing that many Slovakians have been filtering into the cities from the concentration camps. Each day for two weeks, he waits at the train station in the hopes of spotting Gita, but he doesn’t see her. While making his way through the street one day, though, he spots her. Lale falls to his knees, so Gita kneels too and says that she loves him, at which point he asks if she’ll marry him. “Yes,” she replies, “I will.” Previous Intro Next Prologue Get LitCharts A+ icon Download this Chart (PDF) The printed PDF version of the LitChart on The Tattooist of Auschwitz “Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!” Get the Teacher Edition The Teacher Edition of the LitChart on The Tattooist of Auschwitz “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class.” Need something? Request a new guide. How can we improve? Share feedback. Company About Us Our Story Jobs Connect Help Contact Blog Facebook Twitter Mobile Apps iOS Android Legal Terms of Service Privacy Policy GDPR


Auschwitzeko tatuatzailea Laburpena Hurrengoa Hitzaurrea 1942ko apirila da, eta Lale 25 urteko gaztea Europan zehar dabil trenean, beste gizon judu batzuekin ganadu auto batean estututa. Inork ez daki nora joango den. Lale familia Krompachykoa da, Eslovakian, eta naziek familia juduek gobernuari 18 urtetik gorako haur bat ematera behartzen ari zirela entzun zuenean, bere burua eskaini zuen. Alemaniarrek lanean jarriko zutela aldarrikatu zuten, baina betebeharra salatu zuenean, ez zekien zer egingo zuen, horregatik trajea jantzita dago, itxura ona izan nahi du bere lana zein izango den kontuan hartu gabe. . Baina trenean egun batzuk jan gabe egon ondoren, esan dezake bere lan berriak ez duela trajerik beharko. Trena helmugara iristen denean, SSko agenteek bidaiariak behartzen dituzte eta aginduak oihukatzen dituzte. Lale-k argibideak jarraitzen ditu naziek beren fusilen ipurdiak erabiltzen dituztenean obeditzen ez duen edonori jotzeko. Ondoren, besteekin batera eraikin batera eraman dute, bertan ilaran jarri eta identifikazio zenbakiak besoetan tatuatu arte itxaron dezaten. Prozesu honetan zehar, Auschwitz-era iritsi dela jakingo du, eta bertan jarriko dute lanean. Tatuajeak jasotzerakoan, presoei biluztu eta dutxa handi batean sartzeko esan diete. Ondoren, arropak preso arropa marradunekin ordezkatu dituztela topatuko dute, Lalek Naziek burua moztu aurretik jantzi dutena.Ondoren, Birkenau izeneko kokaleku batera eskoltatu dute, Auschwitzen eremu nagusitik zenbait kilometrora dagoelarik. 7. blokean dago esleituta, ohez beteriko eraikina, bakoitza bizpahiru presok okupatuta. Lale eta Aron izeneko trenean ezagutu zuen gizon batek beste bi ohekin partekatzen dute eta gaua igarotzen dute goizaren zain, azkenean janaria jasoko dutenean. Gau erdian, Lale kanpora joaten da txiza egitera, lasai dago presoek beren burua arintzeko lubaki bat dagoela ikustean. Hurbildu ahala, hiru preso nabaritzen ditu zanga honen gainean eserita eta isilik hizketan, baina gehiegi hurbildu baino lehen, SSko bi ofizial ikusten ditu. Abisatu gabe, hiru presoak fusilatzen dituzte kasualitatez aurrera egin aurretik. Laster, Lale-k bere buruari agintzen dio zer esanik ez Auschwitz bizirik iraungo duela. Lortu The Tattooist of Auschwitz LitChart osoa PDF inprimagarri gisa. "Nire ikasleek ezin dituzte zure diagramak nahikoa lortu eta haien emaitzak teilatuaren bidez joan dira". -Graham S. Auschwitzeko tatuatzailea PDF Hurrengo goizean, presoek zopa ahuleko katiluak jasotzen dituzte. Behartzen duten bitartean, Lale-k gustura jokatzen du Aronekin, haien adiskidetasuna sendotuz. Orduan, beren kapo ezagutuko dute, beraien nagusia dela azalduz. Kapoak Lale izendatzen du erdi eraikitako eraikineko teilatuan lan egiteko, beraz, eskailera bat igo eta bi errusiar aurkituko ditu.Zorionez, Lale-k hizkuntza anitz hitz egiten ditu eta, beraz, gizon horiekin komunikatzeko gai da, bere lan berria egiteko modurik onena esaten baitiote. Auschwitzeko bizitzari buruzko informazio garrantzitsua ere esaten diote, kanpalekuan jokatzen diren botere egiturak azalduz. Egun batean beste hilketa ikaragarri bat ikusi ondoren, Lale zorabiatu egiten da, eta geroago tifusa kutsatu duela ematen du. Esnatzean, egunak konorterik gabe daramala deskubrituko du. Pepanek bere burua aurkezten duen eta kanpora aire freskoa ateratzen laguntzen dion gizon zaharra. Pepan Tätowierer da, iritsi berriak tatuatzen dituen presoa. Azaldu duenez, 7. blokeko preso talde bat gauez Lale zaintzen aritu da, eta Pepan bera egunean zehar zaintzen egon da. Pepan 7. blokean zihoala, Lale-ren gorpua "hildako eta hiltzen ari ziren gurditxo baten gainean" jarri zuten eta Aronek Lale uzteko gurdia tiratzen zuen ofizialari erregutzen ziola ikusi zuen. Funtzionarioak ezezkoa eman zion, baina Aronek arrastatu zuen Lale gurditik, ofiziala ez zebilenean, Pepan txundituta utzi zuen ekintza. Horregatik, berak esan zuenez, berak erabaki zuen Lale laguntzea, pertsona zoragarria izan behar zuela pentsatuz norbait hura salbatzeko arriskua egongo balitz. Orduan, Lali lan bat eskaintzen dio bere laguntzaile gisa, presoak tatuatzen lagun diezaiokeela esanez. Lale-k zalantzak ditu hasieran, nahi ez duen jendea orbaintzeko ideia ez du gustuko, baina Pepanek dio beste norbaitek hala egingo ez balu.Gainera, lana hartzen duena ez da Lale bezain enpatikoa izango. Hau pentsatuta, Lale Pepanen laguntzaile gisa lan egitea onartzen du. Lale 7. blokera itzultzen denean, bere ohatzekideengandik jakingo du Aron kapo hil zuela hura babesten saiatzeagatik. Larrituta, entzuten du esaten laguntzea erabaki zutela, Aronek inspiratu zuelako bere ideiarekin "bat salbatzea mundua salbatzea dela". Negarrez, Lale-k eskerrak ematen dizkie eta noizbait itzul diezaiekeen espero du, nahiz eta ziurrenik inoiz ez duela lortuko. Lale Pepanekin lan egiten du, beraien lana gainbegiratzen duten SSko ofizialekin topo eginez. Egun batean, berak eta Pepanek zenbakiak desagertu diren emakumezko preso talde baten tatuajeak berriro tintatzeko agindua ematen dute. Lale-k Pepani esaten dio ezin duela hori egin, emakumeak beti errespetatu baititu, baina Pepanek ez duela beste aukerarik azpimarratzen du. Horren arabera, Lale-k bere lana betetzen du. Presoaren tatuajeren bat lantzen ari zela, beroki zuria zeraman gizon bat marratik behera eta emakumeak ikuskatzen ari dela ohartzen da. Gizona laster heldu da Lale tatuatzen ari den emakumeari eta aurpegia eusten dio. Emakumea zerbait esateko zorian dagoela sumatuta, Lalek besoa estutu eta isilik egon behar duela adierazten du. Bere aholkuei kasu egiten die eta, handik gutxira, zuriz jantzitako gizona aurrera doa. "Ondo egin", xuxurlatzen du Lale-k, bere zenbakia oroimenera konprometituz, begietara begiratuz eta bihotza saltoka sentitzen duela.Topaketa honen ondoren, Pepan desagertu egin zen. Oberscharführer Houstek -Lale-ren nagusia eta Auschwitzeko goi mailako ofizialetako bat- Lale Tätowierer dela iragarri du. Bere tutoreari gertatutakoa antzeman ezinik, Lale-k ahalik eta ondoen onartzen du eta laguntzaile bat eskatzen dio laguntzeko. Ondorioz, Baretskik, Lale gainbegiratzeko agindutako funtzionarioak, Leon izeneko gizon bat hartu eta tatuatzaile laguntzaile izatera behartuko du. Gau hartan, Lale-k jakingo du orain bere gela beste bloke batean duela eta janari porzio gehigarriak jasoko dituela, beraz, bere zati gehigarriak kontrabandoan sartzen eta presoekin batera eramaten hasiko da. Jantzi zibilekin jantzitako langile talde batengana ere hurbiltzen da eta haiekin bi elkarrizketari ekiten die, hauek ez direla presoak, gauero etxera joaten diren bertako langileak baizik. Gizonak Victor eta Yuri deitzen dira, eta Lali saltxitxa ematen diote, berak moztu eta beste hainbat presoekin partekatzen duena. Victor eta Yuri ere ados daude Lali beste ondasun batzuk ekartzearekin, baina Lale-k ezer gehiago ez emateko esan die horiek ordaintzeko modua aurkitu arte. Denbora horretan, Lale bihotza saltatu zion emakumearekin harremanetan jartzen saiatzen da. Bere zenbakia gogoan, Baretskiri —norekin adiskide bihurtu den— ohar bat emateko eskatu dio.Baretskik ez du inoiz aukerarik galtzen Lali nahi duenean hil dezakeela gogorarazteko, baina oharra ematea onartzen du. Emakumeak berriro idatzi du, Gita izena duela esanez. Honelako oharrak igarota, igandetan biltzeko antolatzen dute presoak arrazak artzaintzeko baimena dutenean, eta Gita lotsatia den lehen topaketan, argi dago biek sentimenduak dituztela bata bestearengatik. Garai horretan ere Lale-k hitzarmena egiten du bi emakumerekin, eta horien lana presoen ondasunen artean balio handiko gauzak bilatzea da. Lale-k emakume horiei Victor eta Yuri saltxitxa zatiak ematen dizkie, eta bitxiak eta dirua ekartzea onartzen dute. Horrela hasten da bere truke sistema, Victor eta Yuri harri bitxiak eta dirua ematen baititu txokolate, saltxitxa eta beste janari batzuen truke, kanpalekuan zehar zabaltzen dituena, Gita eta bere lagunei asko emango diela ziurtatuz. Halako batean, Gita tifusarekin bizitza arriskuan jartzen da. Lale, Lale-k Victor eta Yuri ordaintzen ditu sendagaiak lortzeko, eta honek Gitaren lagunei Dana eta Ivana ematen dizkie eta hauek administratzen dizkiete. Gita errekuperatuko den ikusteko zain dagoela, Lale konturatuko da berarekin zenbat axola zaion, ia ezagutzen ez duen arren, azkenean, ez dio bere abizena ere esango, informazio hori partekatu nahi ez duen arte Auschwitz utzi egiten dute.Horretarako, Lale-k azpimarratuko dio egunen batean familia bat sortuko dutela eta aske biziko direla musu emanez eta nahi dutenean maitasuna eginez berreskuratzen duenean. Eta Gitak bere baikortasuna hartzeko zalantzak dituen arren, mundu ikuskera honetara inguratzen da. Egun batean lanean, Lale-k Jakub izeneko gizon izugarria tatuatzen du, gose handia duela esanez. Hain marko handia duenez, Jakubek batez besteko pertsonak baino janari gehiago behar du eta, beraz, Lale-k inguruan ezkutatzeko esaten dio bere blokera denak jarraitu beharrean. Egunaren amaieran, Lale-k Jakub bere gelara eramango du, janaria emango dio eta egon beharko lukeen lekura eramango du, jakinda gizon honen bizitza salbatu duela jakinda. hurrengo egunera arte itxaroteko jan. Une honetara arte, Lale-k eta Gita-k harremana sendotu dute. Are gehiago, sexu harremanak izaten hasteko gai dira, Lale-k Gitaren kapoari erosketa egiten diolako bere blokean bakarrik pasatzen uzteko, esperientzia hori Lale-k indartsuago eta bizirauteko erabakiago sentiarazten baitu. Hala ere, aldi horretan sartu da bere gelara bi naziek bere koltxoiaren azpian gordetako bitxiak eta dirua gordeta aurkitu dutela jakiteko. Funtzionarioek kanpalekuko zigor blokeetako batera eramaten dute, presoak torturatuak eta askotan exekutatuak izan daitezen. Zelula batera botata, atea berriro ireki arte itxaroten du, momentu horretan harrituta geratzen da Jakub ikustean.Jakub sartu eta azaldu du, bere tamaina zela eta, naziek kanpalekuko torturatzaile bihurtu zutela. Bere lana dela dio Lale-k kontrabandoan kontrabandoan lagundu zioten presoen izenak aitortzea. Hala ere, Jakubek esaten dio, naziak sartu eta jipoia ikusten dutenean, Lale-k ez lukeela izenak utzi behar. Jakub erraz jartzen saiatuko da, baina "judu bat hiltzeko beste hamar salbatzeko" prest dagoela dio. Unea iritsitakoan, Lale jipoitu eta azotatu egiten du, baina zigorra benetan baino okerragoa dela ematen du, azkenean behatzaile ofizialengana jo eta Lale-k ziur ez duela lagundu zioten pertsonen izenak jakin behar esanez. Lale-ren harridurarako, horrek askatzea ekarri du, eta tatuatzaile gisa aurreko postura itzuli da. Errusiako armada aurrera zihoala zurrumurruak zabaltzen direnean, SSko ofizialak urduri jokatzen hasten dira, kanpineko dokumentuak azkar suntsituz. Zalapartan, Gita eta beste emakume preso asko atetik zeharkatzen dituzte elur ekaitz batean. Garbitu baino lehen, Lali oihukatzen dio Furman bere abizena dela. Handik gutxira, Lale autobus batean sartzen da, naziek presoak ausaz tiro egiten dituztelako eta kanpamendua zakarretara jaisten den bitartean. Ondoren, Mauthausen-eko (Austria) kontzentrazio esparru berri batera eraman dute eta bertan guardia bat irabazten du bere alemana ondo moldatuta.Guardia honek Vienako kanpamendu seguruago batera eramatea eskaintzen du eta Lale-k onartzen du. Bitartean, Gitak hiru emakume poloniarrekin ihes egitea lortuko du elurrezko zelai batean korrika eginez nahasmena une batean. Inguruko txabola batean bizi diren pertsonei laguntza eskatuz, nazien azterketa arrakastaz saihesten dute eta soldadu errusiarren laguntza lortzen dute, hauek Krakoviara gidatzen dituzte eta bertan Poloniako emakumeen arrebaren batekin geratzen dira. Handik, Gita kamioi gidari batekin bidaiatzen du Bratislavara, bera - Lale bezala - Eslovakiarra delako. Vienako kontzentrazio esparruan, Lale judua dela ezkutatzen du, kanpamendua judu ez diren presoentzat pentsatuta dagoelako. Kanpamendu honetako zuzendaria oso zaharra denez, Lale-k erraza du arazoetatik kanpo egotea. Izan ere, hesietako batean dagoen zulo batetik ihes egiteko gai da, atzera begiratu gabe irristatuz. Basoan sartuta, soldadu errusiar talde batekin topo egingo du eta preso hartuko dute. Hizkuntza asko hitz egiteko gai denez, beraien egoitza nagusira bihurtu duten txaletera ekarri eta herriko soldaduen eta emakumeen arteko lotura lanetan arituko dela diote, janaria emango diotela jakinaraziz. aterpea eta arropa fina bertako emakumeak festetara txaletera etortzeko erosketa egitearen truke. Gauzak horrela, Lale-k emakumeei bitxiak eta dirua eskaintzen die soldaduekin gaua pasatzeko.Oso xarmanta denez, nahiko ona da lan horretan, eta errusiarrek laster konfiantza dute nahikoa herrian bere kabuz gidatzen uzteko. Ihes egiteko aukera aprobetxatuz, herrirako bidea hartu, autoa aparkatu, bizikleta lapurtu eta abiatu egiten da. Bidaia latz baten ondoren, azkenean bere etxera iritsiko da bere ahizpa bizirik dagoela jakiteko, nahiz eta bere anaia nagusia hil eta inork ez daki zer gertatu den bere gurasoekin. Gita aurkitzeko erabakia hartuta, Bratislavara joango da kontzentrazio esparruetatik eslovakiar asko hirietan iragazten aritu direla entzun ondoren. Egunero bi astez, tren geltokian itxaroten du Gita antzemateko asmoz, baina ez du ikusten. Egun batean kalean bidea egiten ari zela, ordea, antzeman egiten du. Lale belauniko erortzen da, beraz Gita ere belaunikatu eta maite duela dio, momentu horretan galdetuko dio ea ezkonduko den. "Bai", erantzungo du, "egingo dut". Aurrekoa Aurkezpena Hurrengoa Hitzaurrea Lortu LitCharts A + ikonoa Deskargatu taula hau (PDF) Auschwitzeko tatuatzaileari buruzko LitChart-en PDF bertsio inprimatua “Ez nuke AP Literaturaren bidez egingo inprimatzeko PDFrik gabe. Eztabaida bakoitzeko klaseko oharrak bezalakoak dira! " Lortu irakaslearen edizioa Auschwitzeko tatuatzaileari buruzko LitChart-en irakaslearen edizioa "Inoiz erosi dudan irakasle baliabiderik onena da hau.Nire ikasleei gustatzen zaie esku-orriak nola antolatuta dauden eta gustatzen zaie gaien jarraipena klase gisa ". Zerbait behar duzu? Eskatu gida berria. Nola hobetu dezakegu? Partekatu iritzia. Enpresa Guri buruz Gure istorioa Lanpostuak Konektatu Laguntza Harremanetarako Bloga Facebook Twitter Mugikorretarako aplikazioak iOS Android Legezkoa Zerbitzu-baldintzak Pribatutasun politika GDPR | Sistema gratuito de traductor inglés-euskera

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