
SEVEN. It is really important to talk about sustainability in schools if the main objective is to have a healthy environment in the coming future. We have to prepare our children the best way AS POSSIBLE and this is one of the main goals in this school. The school transmits students and their families the importance of recycling. As they say, it is important to TEACH children to this way of life because they will make this actions when they grow up. If we create clever and environmentally careful people, we will see this reflected in our society in the next years. So, is very important and essential to get some different knowledge in the school.


SEVEN. Benetan garrantzitsua da ikastetxeetan jasangarritasunaz hitz egitea helburu nagusia etorkizunean ingurune osasuntsua edukitzea bada. Gure seme-alabak ahalik eta modurik onena prestatu behar dugu eta hau da eskola honen helburu nagusietako bat. Eskolak birziklapenaren garrantzia helarazten die ikasleei eta haien familiei. Esan bezala, garrantzitsua da haurrei ENTZERA bizimodu honetara ekartzea, hauek hazten direnean ekintza horiek egingo dituztelako. Pertsona azkarra eta ingurumena zaindua sortuz gero, hori gure gizartean islatuko dugu hurrengo urteetan. Beraz, oso garrantzitsua eta funtsezkoa da ikastetxean ezagutza desberdinak lortzeko. | Sistema gratuito de traductor inglés-euskera

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